This page contains "templates" for PmWiki's (:pagelist:) directive. The Site.LocalTemplates page can be created and used to store pagelist templates that are local to a site.

Page list template documentation


The default template for pagelists when fmt= isn't specified (and note that on the wiki, this template is over-ridden by the one on the Site.LocalTemplates page).

(:if false:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)

:[[{=$Group}/]] /:
(:template each:)
: :[[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#default count=6:)


Display pages by group/name.

(:if false:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)

:[[{=$Group}/]] /:
(:template each:)
: :[[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#bygroup count=6:)


A simple bullet list of page names.

(:if false:)
* [[{=$FullName}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#simple count=5:)


A simple bullet list of page titles.

(:if false:)
(:template defaults order=title:)
* [[{=$FullName}|+]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#title count=5:)


Outputs wiki page titles with spaces between the words in the title.

(:if false:)
(:template defaults order=title:)
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#titlespaced count=5:)


A bullet list of groups (will not work with count=...).

(:template first {=$Group}:)
* [[{=$Group}/]]


An optimized bullet list of group home pages (will work with count=...), requires PmWiki 2.2.103.

(:if false:)
(:template default list=grouphomes:)
* [[{=$Group}/]]

(:pagelist group=p*,s* fmt=#grouphomes count=5:)


Concatenate the text of pages in the list (note, this can be an expensive operation).

(:include {=$FullName} self=0:)


Include just the #faq sections from pages in the list. (This can also be expensive,
especially if the list includes pages that don't have the [[#faq]] anchor!)

(:include {=$FullName}#faq#faqend self=0:)


List pages and append the page's description if it exists. Creates dash by all names, but adding a nested loop to get rid of it causes markup problems (nested loops are not allowed).

(:if false:)
* [[{=$FullName}|+]]
  - {=$Description}

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#description count=7:)


Simple bullet list of page names, without the Group name.

(:if false:)
* [[({=$Group}/){=$Name}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#simplename count=5:)


Simple bullet list of spaced page names, without the Group name.

(:if false:)
* [[({=$Group}/){=$Namespaced}]]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#simplenamespaced count=5:)


A simple bullet list of page title and summary.

(:if false:)
* [[{=$FullName} | {=$Title}]] &nbsp; [-{=$:Summary}-]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#titlesummary list=normal count=8:)


Number of pages in a group, includes only "normal" pages

(:if false:)
(:template defaults wrap=inline list=normal :)
(:template last:)

Number of pages in the {$Group} group: (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#count :).

Number of pages in the {$Group} group: (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=count :).

There are (:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#count wrap=html :) pages in the PmWiki group.

Number of pages in the Site group:

Number of pages in the Site group: 22.

There are


pages in the PmWiki group.


Datum zadnje spremembe strani: 30 december 2019 11:46

© 2005-2025, Gobarsko društvo Lisička Maribor.
Ta spletna stran je last imetnika domene, ki spletno mesto tudi upravlja. Vsebine, objavljene na spletnem mestu je dovoljeno reproducirati le v nekomercialne namene, pri čemer morajo ohraniti vsa navedena opozorila o avtorskih pravicah in se torej ne smejo prepisovati, razmnoževati ali kako drugače razširjati brez dovoljenja lastnika domene Po svojih najboljših močeh se trudimo, da na spletnem mestu objavljamo le prave in ažurne podatke, vendarle pa ne moremo zagotavljati popolne točnosti in zanesljivosti vseh objavljenih podatkov in povezav. Prav tako ne prevzemamo nobene odgovornosti za morebitne posledice, nastale zaradi uporabe datotek in podatkov, objavljenih na tem spletnem mestu ali začasnega nedelovanja spletnega mesta. Zavedamo se, da je zasebnost obiskovalcev naših spletnih straneh zelo pomembna. Zato ne zbiramo nobenih osebnih podatkov o obiskovalcih spletne strani si pridržuje pravico do spremembe vseh podatkov, ki so objavljeni na tem spletnem mestu. Z uporabo tega spletnega mesta obiskovalec potrjuje, da sprejema opisane pogoje in se z njimi strinja.

Stran generirana v 0.478 sekundah.