Category: Documentation ToDo


A PmWiki text-search box. Normally used in Main.SearchWiki but can be placed anywhere.
Produces the results of a search in a wikipage, as coming from the q= URL parameter or a (:searchbox:) directive.

Titles, Groups, etc.

See markup variables for a complete list of "variables" that you can access through the markup construction {$<variable>}. Here are some of the available variables.

{$Name} - The page's name, as in "SpecialMarkups"
{$Group} - the page's group name, as in "PmWiki"
{$DefaultGroup} - The name of the default (startup) group, here it's "Main"
{$Title} - the page's title, as in "Other special markups"
{$Namespaced} - the page title spaced, as in "Special Markups"
{$Groupspaced} - the group name spaced, as in "Pm Wiki"
{$LastModified} - the date the page was last modified
{$LastModifiedBy} - the author that performed the last modification
{$LastModifiedHost} - the host that performed the last modification

Headers and Footers

Turns off the PmWiki-generated header, footer, group header, or title for the page.


(:redirect PageName:)
(:redirect GroupName.PageName:)
Redirects the browser to a different wiki page, adding a message to inform the user that the redirection has taken place.


(:include IncludeOtherPages#include-desc#include-desc-end:)

See include other pages for more details.

Misc Bracket Abuse

Forces a line break, specifically inserts the HTML "<br clear='all'>"
Place this directive in a page and it will cause all of the WikiWords in the page to be displayed with spaces. This can also be turned on by setting $SpaceWikiWords=1 in customization (see PmWiki.Variables).
Creates an anchor in a page.
Creates a link to an anchor within the same page.
[[PageName#anchorname text]]
Creates a link to an anchor on PageName.

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This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:SpecialMarkups, and a talk page: PmWiki:SpecialMarkups-Talk.


Datum zadnje spremembe strani: 28 junij 2005 10:30

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