When creating pages it's common to use commercial trademarks, copyright, umlaut, and other non-keyboard symbols. therefore it's important that you have the means to input these special characters.

ISO Standard codes

PmWiki supports the HTML special character listings by the w3c. W3C Page of Special Character codes ISO standard.

Here are some samples:

 © | ¼ | ½ | ® | µ | ¨ 
 © | ¼ | ½ | ® | µ | ¨ 
 Æ | 32° | Unïted Stätes | ¶ | ¥Yen | PmWiki™ 
 Æ | 32° | Unïted Stätes | ¶ | ¥Yen | PmWiki™ 

For a nice table with all available special characters, see List of Unicode characters at Wikipedia.

Other ways to do it:

Character Map

Find the "Character Map" utility in your computer's System Tools folder. Click the symbol you're interested in, and note the keystroke information at the bottom of the box. You execute these by holding "Alt" while keying the numbers on the numerical keypad of your keyboard (not the numbers across the top of the board).

© = Alt+0169 = © | ® = Alt+0174 = ® | ° = Alt+0176 = ° (degrees)


  • Use Word or another desktop application to create your text with the special characters that you want. Copy and paste the text to the wiki page you're editing or creating.
  • Find an instance of a special character in an online document; copy and paste the character to your wiki page: ©

There's a list of special characters at PmWiki:SpecialCharactersList.
There's another illustration at PmWiki:Characters

This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:SpecialCharacters, and a talk page: PmWiki:SpecialCharacters-Talk.


Datum zadnje spremembe strani: 13 avgust 2022 12:24

© 2005-2025, Gobarsko društvo Lisička Maribor.
Ta spletna stran je last imetnika domene gobe.si, ki spletno mesto tudi upravlja. Vsebine, objavljene na spletnem mestu je dovoljeno reproducirati le v nekomercialne namene, pri čemer morajo ohraniti vsa navedena opozorila o avtorskih pravicah in se torej ne smejo prepisovati, razmnoževati ali kako drugače razširjati brez dovoljenja lastnika domene gobe.si. Po svojih najboljših močeh se trudimo, da na spletnem mestu objavljamo le prave in ažurne podatke, vendarle pa ne moremo zagotavljati popolne točnosti in zanesljivosti vseh objavljenih podatkov in povezav. Prav tako ne prevzemamo nobene odgovornosti za morebitne posledice, nastale zaradi uporabe datotek in podatkov, objavljenih na tem spletnem mestu ali začasnega nedelovanja spletnega mesta. Zavedamo se, da je zasebnost obiskovalcev naših spletnih straneh zelo pomembna. Zato ne zbiramo nobenih osebnih podatkov o obiskovalcih spletne strani gobe.si. Gobe.si si pridržuje pravico do spremembe vseh podatkov, ki so objavljeni na tem spletnem mestu. Z uporabo tega spletnega mesta obiskovalec potrjuje, da sprejema opisane pogoje in se z njimi strinja.

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