There are several mailing lists available for PmWiki.

[ pmwiki-users ]
This is a great resource where a very helpful group of people will answer questions and discuss PmWiki development. As of 2016, traffic is around 20-40 messages a month.
If you ask a question on the list and it doesn't get answered, don't feel let down. Just ask it again. It probably slipped by unnoticed.
[ pmwiki-users-de ]
A mailing list for german-speaking users of PmWiki. Archived at
[ pmwiki-users-es ]
Lista de usuarios PmWiki en Español.
[ pmwiki-users-fr ]
A mailing list for french-speaking users of PmWiki.
[ pmwiki-devel ]
This list was created to lower the traffic on pmwiki-users, it focuses on discussions surrounding code development for PmWiki (both core and recipe development).
[ pmwiki-announce ]
Announcements of new version releases and urgent information, about 1-2 messages per month. If you use PmWiki in a production environment, this low-volume list is highly recommended. The archive is at:


  • If you reply to a digest message, please remove the messages irrelevant to your reply before sending it back to the list.
    • It's also helpful to change "Re: pmwiki-users Digest, Vol [...]" to "Re: [the original subject]" because some mail programs determine threads based on the subject.
  • If you address a reply to a single list member, please take the [pmwiki-users] off the subject line, or it's possible for your message to get lost in the mailing list traffic. Many people filter list traffic to a separate mailbox.
  • If you ask a question, you should disable "digest" mode, this way you'll receive the replies as soon as people post them, and you could follow-up. In digest mode you might receive the replies a week or two later.

Changing mail list settings

Here are some tips regarding changing the mailing list settings:

  • Logging in...
    • First go to
      and enter your e-mail address in the field at the bottom of the page,
      to the left of the button Unsubscribe or edit options.
    • Next you need to enter your password. As you've probably forgotten this,
      use the button Remind at the bottom of the page to get a new password.
    • Finally enter the password you should get momentarily via e-mail.
  • You can directly go to the options web page through a URI such as the
where <user> is everything before the @ in an e-mail address,
and <domain> is everything after (
For those who wonder, the %40 in the URI just stands for '@'.

Newsgroups (NNTP)

You may be interested, that the lists are also accessible as newsgroups.

The NNTP server is:

The pmwiki groups are:



If you find a dead link to the PmWiki user groups at Gmane, it is now
possible to look for the reference, at and find your
answers and/or update the documentation.

You may have to use the WayBack machine to search by the original URL.

This is a basic and quite fast search function for messages in the [pmwiki-users] and [pmwiki-devel] mailing lists.

Gmane was a searchable mailing list archive that we used extensively to
find information or older discussions, and we also linked to it a lot
both in the documentation and in our everyday messages. It disappeared
in 2016 and was only partially restored, so most of the links to it do
not work anymore.

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:MailingLists, and a talk page: PmWiki:MailingLists-Talk.


Datum zadnje spremembe strani: 11 junij 2022 08:57

© 2005-2025, Gobarsko društvo Lisička Maribor.
Ta spletna stran je last imetnika domene, ki spletno mesto tudi upravlja. Vsebine, objavljene na spletnem mestu je dovoljeno reproducirati le v nekomercialne namene, pri čemer morajo ohraniti vsa navedena opozorila o avtorskih pravicah in se torej ne smejo prepisovati, razmnoževati ali kako drugače razširjati brez dovoljenja lastnika domene Po svojih najboljših močeh se trudimo, da na spletnem mestu objavljamo le prave in ažurne podatke, vendarle pa ne moremo zagotavljati popolne točnosti in zanesljivosti vseh objavljenih podatkov in povezav. Prav tako ne prevzemamo nobene odgovornosti za morebitne posledice, nastale zaradi uporabe datotek in podatkov, objavljenih na tem spletnem mestu ali začasnega nedelovanja spletnega mesta. Zavedamo se, da je zasebnost obiskovalcev naših spletnih straneh zelo pomembna. Zato ne zbiramo nobenih osebnih podatkov o obiskovalcih spletne strani si pridržuje pravico do spremembe vseh podatkov, ki so objavljeni na tem spletnem mestu. Z uporabo tega spletnega mesta obiskovalec potrjuje, da sprejema opisane pogoje in se z njimi strinja.

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