Cross Reference:
PmWiki uses the markup sequence (:directive ...:)
for a number of directives and text substitutions. Many of these replace the "double-bracket" directives that were used in PmWiki 1.0 and earlier versions. Here's a brief description of each.
(:title Patrick's home page:)
If we want to allow the user to specify a page's title, yet keep the original WikiWord for the crumbstrail as an unaltered variable in the template, how can this be done? like a subtitle directive instead of title, or some var that retains the title after the title directive alters it.
<meta name='keywords' content='word, ...' />
(:description A page about ...:)
<meta name='description' content='A page about...' />
(:comment This won't be displayed:)
(:include PageName:)
and (:include PageName#start#end:)
(:include RecentChanges#1#10:)
grabs only the first ten lines of the Recent Changes file.
directive, thus:
(:include SomePage :)
- include all of SomePage(:include SomePage lines=10 :)
- include lines 1-10 of SomePage(:include SomePage lines=1..10 :)
- include lines 1-10 of SomePage(:include SomePage lines=6..10 :)
- include lines 6-10 of SomePage(:include SomePage lines=6.. :)
- include lines 6 to end of SomePage(:include SomePage lines=6..6:)
- include only line 6 of SomePage
(:if cond param:)
syntax allows portions of the markup text to be conditionally processed (up to the next (:if:)
) depending on administrator-defined conditions. The predefined conditions are "true", "false", "group", and "name". For example,
(:if group PmWiki:)This text displays only in the PmWiki group(:if:)
(:pagelist group=xxx fmt=yyy list=zzz:)
(:pagelist ..:)
syntax allows to include a bulleted list of pagenames which are within the specified group. The group and pagenames are displayed as links.
option below which does allow arbitrary lists.
, GroupHeader
and GroupFooter
in the list
to get a list of all pages,
(:pagelist group=PmWiki:)
to get a list of all pages in the PmWiki group,
(:pagelist group= -PmWiki -PmWikiDe:)
to get a list of all pages except those in the PmWiki and PmWikiDe group (the blank before the first '-' is mandatory),
(:pagelist group={$Group}:)
to get a list of all pages in the current group,
(:pagelist group={$Group} list=normal:)
to get a list of all pages in the current group except GroupHeader, GroupFooter, RecentChanges
(:pagelist fmt=group :)
to get a list of all groups,
(:pagelist fmt=group -{$Group} :)
to get a list of all groups exept the current one.
$RCTime = strftime('%b %d %H:%M',$Now);
$RecentChangesFmt['Main.RecentPages'] = ':[[$FullName]]: $RCTime';
(:searchresults group=xxx fmt=yyy list=zzz text:)
For usage of group, fmt and list, see the (:pagelist:) directive above.
Category: Includes
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This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:Directives, and a talk page: PmWiki:Directives-Talk.