administrators (intermediate)

This page describes the predefined Wiki Styles and how a Wiki Administrator can define additional Wiki Styles as a local customization for all pages (in local/config.php) or specific groups (in local/$Group.php).

All predefined Wiki Styles are setup in the global array $WikiStyle.
To define your own Wiki Styles, add the setting of the correspondent WikiStyle within the array.

Predefined Wiki Styles

The following array-values are set by scripts/wikistyles.php using the SDV()-function (so you can overwrite them by setting them prior in config.php or farmconfig.php):


text colors:
(equivalent to %define=xxxx color=xxxx%)
black$WikiStyle['black']['color'] = 'black';
white$WikiStyle['white']['color'] = 'white';
red$WikiStyle['red']['color'] = 'red';
yellow$WikiStyle['yellow']['color'] = 'yellow';
blue$WikiStyle['blue']['color'] = 'blue';
gray$WikiStyle['gray']['color'] = 'gray';
silver$WikiStyle['silver']['color'] = 'silver';
maroon$WikiStyle['maroon']['color'] = 'maroon';
green$WikiStyle['green']['color'] = 'green';
navy$WikiStyle['navy']['color'] = 'navy';
purple$WikiStyle['purple']['color'] = 'purple';

decimal$WikiStyle['decimal']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['decimal']['list-style'] = 'decimal';
roman$WikiStyle['roman']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['roman']['list-style'] = 'lower-roman';
ROMAN$WikiStyle['ROMAN']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['ROMAN']['list-style'] = 'upper-roman';
alpha$WikiStyle['alpha']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['alpha']['list-style'] = 'lower-alpha';
ALPHA$WikiStyle['ALPHA']['apply'] = 'list';
$WikiStyle['ALPHA']['list-style'] = 'upper-alpha';

open links in a new browser-window:
newwin$WikiStyle['newwin']['target'] = '_blank';
Turns markup into a comment via display:none CSS
comment$WikiStyle['comment']['display'] = 'none';

wiki styles
frameborder:1px solid #cccccc; padding:4px; background-color:#f9f9f9;
lfloatfloat:left; margin-right:0.5em;
rfloatfloat:right; margin-left:0.5em;
lframeframe lfloat
rframeframe rfloat
preblock white-space:pre
sideheadblock class:sidehead

Author-Defined Wiki Styles

  1. The first index of the array defines the style name (e.g. mynewstyle, projectentry etc)
  2. the second index defines the attribute name (e.g. color, background-color, etc.)
  3. the value set defines the attribute value (e.g. red, bold, #00ffcc, etc.)

Sample: If you want to define a (site-wide) style the same as the page style

%define=projectentry color:red%


$WikiStyle['projectentry']['color'] = 'red';

The $WikiStyle['projectentry']['apply'] variable may be defined if the wikistyle concerns a particular tag. It may be 'item' (for li|dt), 'list' (for ul|ol|dl), 'div', 'pre', 'img', 'p' or the combining 'block' (for p|div|ul|ol|dl|li|dt|pre|h[1-6]). Example:

$WikiStyle['top']['apply'] = 'item';
$WikiStyle['top']['class'] = 'top';

then a markup

 * %top% An important list-item

will output

 <li class="top">An important list-item</li>

Printer-Friendly Styles

If your custom-styles (in local/config.php) are getting very colorful it might be useful to disable them in print-view. This can be done easily by putting them into a condition.

if($action!="print") {
  // your custom-styles


I tried this but background didn't work, though border and float worked?

$WikiStyle['vMenu']['background']='#ffffcc' ;
$WikiStyle['vMenu']['float']='left' ;
$WikiStyle['vMenu']['border']='1px dotted red' ;

Try using $WikiStyle['vMenu']['background-color']='#ffffcc'; -- unlike background, background-color is defined in the $WikiStyleCSS array, which is checked for valid properties.

How would I set an image to the left of a paragraph in a WikiStyle? I'd like to provide an icon for paragraphs that are notes, important, warnings, etc.

See WikiStylesPlus and Callout.

How can I remove underlining from a link, but make it underlined blue when the mouse hovers?

Put in pub/css/local.css:

.noul a {text-decoration: none;}
.noul a:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: blue;}

Then use this markup:

  %noul% [[Link]] %%

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:CustomWikiStyles, and a talk page: PmWiki:CustomWikiStyles-Talk.


Datum zadnje spremembe strani: 15 julij 2022 10:16

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